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The Features of Web Hosting Services

  • Wednesday, 22nd May, 2019
  • 08:03am

A good web hosting service provider can assist your business to expand and attract customers. For your business to grow you need a high quality hosting service that can supply your website with a powerful and robust web server. Hosting services can help you create a website where you can attract potential customers and display your products or services.


Hosting services come in various types, each with different features and advantages. But before choosing a web hosting service, consider the requirements of your business, i.e. what is the nature of your business, is it an online store or does it sell physical goods? Your online presence is most important for the growth of your business.


Both HostGator and BlueHost have dual firewalls and they provide a wide range of hosting packages to meet all your requirements. To help you decide which one is best for your company, here are the basic features of each.


Dual Firewalls: When considering a hosting package, you should also consider the type of protection you want to receive from your hosting provider. The most widely used security measures for the hosting service providers are of course the dual firewalls. They provide an additional layer of protection against security threats.


DNS Resolver: In addition to providing dual firewalls, a DNS Resolver is also needed to help speed up the Internet. They also speed up the loading of websites that help websites load faster, which leads to better customer satisfaction.


Application Level Security: This service provides comprehensive security for high-traffic sites and makes sure the private information on these sites is kept safe from any hackers. It helps a great deal when a malicious hacker tries to access sensitive information on a site.


Database Backup: Having your data backed up somewhere else can be very useful especially if your web hosting is located at a high traffic site. You can also use the backup for backing up any changes that have been made to the website and revert back to the exact same state of the website at any time if required.


Email Support: Your hosting provider must have great email support and the ability to answer all your questions without any hassles. The contact number to the provider's help desk should be provided on your website so that customers can call them if needed.


Domain Registration: While selecting a domain name for your website, it is necessary to choose a host that offers multiple domains with the use of an A-Record DNS service. This is to avoid the issues of name conflicts or confusion when it comes to transferring to and from other domains as well as linking names from one domain to another.


Good customer support: Having dual firewalls and good customer support can help you grow your business. You must be able to ask for assistance in the case of any problems with your hosting service and also be able to ask about the frequency of updates and upgrades that are available for your hosting account.


Good Bandwidth: Your web hosting service provider should have at least 30 Gb of available bandwidth on a monthly basis. Good bandwidth not only saves time on downloading data but also allows for faster uploads, which can help save time and money for your business.


These are some of the important features of a web hosting service. Choose a good hosting service that can meet your hosting needs and can help you grow your business.

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