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The Benefits of Dual Quad Processor Performance Servers

  • Thursday, 23rd May, 2019
  • 12:15pm

In most web hosting reviews Sri Lanka is mentioned as one of the countries that has great potential. The country has a mixture of varied cultures, geographical sites and a large number of websites with varied amounts of traffic. However, in the web hosting review Sri Lanka is sometimes mentioned in a bad light - being known as one of the countries that has poor servers and good reliability.


As a beginner it is necessary to know what is wrong with Sri Lanka's web hosting situation. In the old days, Sri Lanka's fast growing population was quickly eating up all available resources like data centers, bandwidth and hardware. All this forced web hosts to slowly merge into one another.


We can't blame them because our rates were higher than those in USA or UK. However, they weren't so well informed about other countries that had similar problems with the net speed. What happened next?


In a few years, the internet technology started to change drastically and things started to get worse for people from other countries. When we talk about a slower connection, we will also mean different types of delays. It could be slow downloading or the program's UI takes longer to load. It could also be slow or delayed uploading.


In fact, if you have a Dual Quad Processor Performance Server (QuadPhp) in your website, it is possible that the users who visit your website will have an uninterrupted downloading speed. This means you will not have to wait for the server to catch up and won't have to endure the long wait time for uploading.


In Sri Lanka, the web hosting industry is divided into many companies that offer web hosting services. They are not allowed to buy resources from one another, so they compete to provide the best service. Each of these companies have the same facilities and resources, but some companies have Quad Php, which are usually the most expensive one. A QuadPhp is also a little slower than the other servers.


In order to use a QuadPhp server in Sri Lanka, you need to search for a company that offers services for both hardware and bandwidth. You will also need to choose a provider that will provide you with a High-Speed Internet connection. Finally, you will need to find a company that supports your hosting needs.


If you think you have reached a limit of your hosting and you are looking for a solution to move to a Quad Php server, you need to try to convince your hosting company to give you a Dual Quad Processor Hosting Server (QPH). With this server, you can have many servers without having to worry about a slow speed for your website visitors. Even when your bandwidth is full, you can still have a website.


The dual Quad Processor Hosting Server (QPH) is designed for larger websites that will take advantage of the full bandwidth. You can expect these servers to provide the best and fast speed in your website.


But if you don't need as much bandwidth as a QuadPhp can give you, then you may want to find a Dual Quad Processor Hosting Server (QPH) for smaller websites. These servers are more affordable, even though you won't get as much processing power as you would get with a QuadPhp server.


In general, these servers will be slower than a QuadPhp but you can still be sure that you'll get quality service at an affordable price. As you can see, there are two main benefits of a QuadPhp for your website.

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