
  • Tuesday, 17th July, 2018
  • 05:25am

A Website Hosting Service makes the web-based communication of its clients more practical and reliable. The service includes every aspect of web hosting like web design, web development, web designing, web programming and network connectivity. Web hosting is a set of online services provided to internet users and businesses through the use of a domain name server (DNS) and a server to server (S2S) connection. The web host provides technical support services including software development, hardware installation, and networking solutions. Website hosting enables companies to manage their various projects from one central database.


Many hosting service providers offer managed hosting. The managed service makes the life of the users easier. The services include front-end applications like e-commerce, customer support and e-mail systems. There are many hosting service providers in the market. They have diverse business models, features and range of service plans. The most common features included in many of them are HTML Hosting, CGI Hosting, and Server Side Includes. Website hosting services are offered by private companies as well as large public corporations.


Some web hosting service providers to provide several kinds of hosting services. Some of them are dedicated servers, managed servers, or reseller hosting. The dedicated servers are usually dedicated to a single company. The managed servers can be used by numerous people and organizations. The reseller hosting plans allow resellers to sell their plans to different companies. Many hosting services providers offer website hosting at reasonable prices.

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