Privacy Policy respects your individual privacy. This Privacy Policy (‘Policy’) our commitment to its protection through adherence to fair electronic information practices. This Policy puts you, the individual, in control of how your personal information is processed with xamaa. You have our promise that we will not electronically process your personal information data in any way that is incompatible with this Policy and will not share any of your information data unless we receive written permission from you.

Informing you about:

The types of personal information collects about you through its Website;

How it collects that information;

The general purposes for which it collects such information;

The types of organizations to which it discloses the information;

The choices and means by which individuals may limit its use and disclosure.

Empowering you to choose:

Whether and how the certain personal information you provide is used (where such use is unrelated to the uses for which you originally disclosed it); and Whether and the manner in which a third party uses certain personal information data you provide.

Assuring you that

Takes reasonable precautions to protect personal information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction;

Implements reasonable policies and procedures to ensure that personal information is kept only for the purposes for which it has been gathered anytime;

Uses reasonable measures to ensure that we have accurately and completely recorded the personal information data you have provided and Provides you reasonable access to your personal information data as well as procedures for correcting or modifying that information where appropriate

Getting to Know Our Customers

We are one of the Internet’s leading domain name registrar and online web hosting company because we have taken the time to get acquainted with our customers. We get to know you primarily through the information data you provide to us when signing up for, or using, one or more of our services. The information data you provide ranges from basic contact information, to payment information, to the technical assistant coordinates of your host servers. The application for web hosting registration found at is a representative illustration of the information we request of you. All of the information data we request from you when purchasing our services is obligatory unless otherwise noted on the relevant form. When you purchase our services, you agree to provide and maintain accurate, complete and updated information data including your name, email, address and phone. Once you have signed up for our services, we may be in communication with you about your web account, technical questions you may have about services you provided by us, or any matter relating to those services. Those communications are essential to our relationship with you and to our ability to provide you with high quality services that are responsive to your needs. At the same time, those communications give us very helpful insights about you, your preferences and the ways in which we might improve our services. We, therefore, may client maintain this information for future use. For operational and quality assurance data purposes, we take note of whether and how you use the information data and services that we provide, such as by recording site web traffic patterns and by maintaining log files of users’ access to website files. The information data we receive from or about you is stored on our systems designed to prevent the loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction of that information. The sensitive information, in terms of Information technology Act, 2000, collected at includes credit card numbers and account passwords. The account password is used by a Customer to gaining access to the services and is not used or accessed by or its affiliates / partners in any way, whereas the Credit Card details are processed at the Payment Gateway end, who are PCI Compliant and do not retain the sensitive information for the period more than required. The transmission of said sensitive information data is encrypted in the interest of heightened privacy protection and information integrity. Further, transactions within our xamaa account manager and purchase flows use Secure Sockets Layer SSL new . encryption when transmitting data from your connection to our server systems. You may click the lock icon within your internet web browser to verify the authenticity of any of our SSL certificates.

Further, transactions within our account manager and purchase flows use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption when transmitting data from your connection to our systems. You may click the lock icon within your web browser to verify the authenticity of any of our SSL certificates.

Information Corrections or Changes

You have the ability to correct or change certain information data in our records, such as your address and contact information. The process for changing your information begins at and then click on the My Details menu. You may change this information data at any time and as often as necessary. If you need assistance or have questions about correcting information, you can contact us via e-mail at [email protected]

How We Put Information to Good Use

We (xamaa) use information about you for purposes of monitoring and improving our internal server sytems operations, as well as to always ensure we: (i) bill you properly, (ii) administer your account in accordance with your agreements with us xamaa, and (iii) properly perform the our services you have requested. We also use the information data we collect to monitor and improve our internal operations, as well as to improve the experience of users in our network of sites. For example, we may correlate Website traffic information data about individual users. This data helps us to determine how much all our customers use parts of the site, allowing us to enhance it to fit the needs of as many of our customers as possible. We may also break down overall usage statistics according to customers’ domain names, browser types, and MIME types by reading this information from the browser string (information contained in every user’s browser). Another example of our use of information data to enhance the experience of users in our network of sites is our reliance on cookie files. We use cookie to make it easier for users to access our site or services. A cookie file is a small data file that certain Websites temp write to your hard drive when you visit them. A cookie file can contain information such as a user ID, order ID that the site uses to track the pages you have visited. However, the only personal information a cookie can contain is information data you supply yourself. A cookie cannot read data off your hard disk data or read cookie files created by other websites. We use cookies to track user traffic patterns (as described above) when you register for services. When you register our website, we may use a cookie to store a unique user ID. We use this ID to identify you anonymously in our system database and to track the pages you visit on our site. If you have set your browser to warn you before accepting temp cookies, you will receive the warning message with each temp cookie. You may refuse cookies by turning them off in your browser; however, some of our web pages may require a cookie for online access. Further, we use the information data we collect to direct important notices and information affecting your account or services, as well as to provide general information data that may be of interest to you, including newsletters, surveys, contest or sweep stake announcements, and information about our service or product offerings or the offerings of our business affiliates. You may opt out of receiving information data from us simply by notifying us of your desire with the opt out instructions contained in any information data message you receive from us. Note, however, that in order to ful-fill our service obligations to you, we must continue sending you notices and other important information data affecting your account or services. Finally, holding sensitive / personal data or information of providers of information xamaa, shall not retain such information for longer than is required for the purposes for which the information may lawfully be used or is otherwise required under the special User Agreement or any other law for the time being in force or unless ordered to the contrary by any order of court of law. The information collected shall be used only for the purpose for which it has been collected. The information is collected and retained by on its server located at various locations in USA & UK.

With Whom We May Share Information

Pursuant to arrangements with Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (‘ICANN’), we compile and maintain a publicly accessible registration database that includes basic information about each domain name registered with us, including the names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of individuals designated as points of contact for a given domain name. With the gradual continued privatization of the Special Domain Name System, and consistent with the rules or policies applicable to that server system, or to comply with any changes in law or regulation, if appropriate, take steps to restrict the accessibility and amount of personally identifying information data available in the registration database. When you register a domain name through us xamaa, we must disclose your domain TLD name and its associated IP numbers to the appropriate registry in order to your domain name a functional address on the Internet ISP. Certain registries also require that we disclose to them the names, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and email addresses of individuals designated as the registrant or points of contact for a given domain name. Each registry discloses certain portions of the information data we are required to provide to them about your domain name registration. For example, each registry discloses at least each registered domain name TLD and its associated IP numbers (“TLD zone files”) to TLD server administrators so that the domain name is capable of functioning as an address on the Internet.Similarly, each registry may compile and maintain a publicly accessible our database that includes basic information about each domain name registered with that registry, including the names, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of individuals designated as the registrant or points of contact for a given domain name.

Our Accountability to You

By purchasing our all services, you obtain the protections of, and consent to the data processing practices described in, this xamaa Privacy Policy. When you purchase our xamaa services, you also represent to us that you have provided notice to, and obtained consent from, any third party individuals whose personal data you supply to us with regard to: (i) the purposes for which service such third party’s personal information or data have been collected, (ii) the intended recipients or categories of recipients of the third party’s personal information or dadata, (iii) which of the third party’s data are obligatory and which data, if any, are voluntary, and (iv) how the third party can access and, if necessary, rectify the information or data held about them. In addition to the data privacy policy protections that we xamaa provide, all our employees, agents and business partners are independently responsible for ensuring compliance with this Privacy Policy as described below. Employee Accountability

Only those employees that have a legitimate business purpose for accessing and handling client information data obtained by us are given the authorization to do so. The unauthorized access or use of such information by a employee is prohibited and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Additionally all our information data management systems are configured in such a way as to block employees from accessing information data that they have no authority to access from anywhere.

Employee Accountability

Our trusted vendors and business partners are responsible for processing or handling some of the information that we receive from us. These vendors and partners are not authorized to use such information data for purposes beyond those specified by us xamaa and are required to preserve the confidentiality with which we treat such information. If you feel that or any of our agents, representatives or employees is violating this Privacy Policy, please contact us via e-mail at [email protected], or by postal mail at:,

If you feel that, or any of our agents, representatives or employees, is violating this Privacy Policy, please contact us via e-mail at [email protected], or by postal mail at:,
21 Pallidora Road
Sri Lanka

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